About Me

Grown by friends, planted by family
The Kith = friends        The Kin = Family


  This business is about heritage, a passion for the craft and honoring the skills and talent God gave me. 

   Growing up I  was surronded by women who made beautiful and useful items with their hands. My grandmothers and mother planted the seeds of creativity through quilting, sewing, crochet, cooking and so many other skills. They made useful, beautiful things that served thier family and expressed their love.  That's where the seed was planted and my passion took root. 

   That heritage of creating, of skill has always been a part of my life.  I studied art throughout school and into college, having seasons in  painting, sculpting, sketching and various other arts. Leading me to focus on knitting, crochet and other needle crafts.  

   I did not set out to have a business, I like to say I accidentally have a business. People began asking me to make things for them and then offering me money for the service. Through word of mouth the momentum grew  and I found myself at fairs and festivals and doing very well.  So I gave myself a name and bought business cards. From there I continued to grow. I entered the online world, building a Facebook page and setting up shop in the early years of Etsy.  

  The last many years I have spent focusing on being a mother and wife scaled back the business. I am no longer on Etsy but have kept my facebook page. 

 I am now in a season of life  that allows me to once again give more time to this little business of mine. I have rebranded with a new name and a new look as well as launching this, my first website. I am excited to see where this continuing adventure will take me. 

Thank you for taking the time to visit my site, 




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